I wanted to post some free EMT practice test quiz's for you guys.Some of these you will find on the National Registry.You will also find them out in the field.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The patent in this photo has what type of bruising?
(1) Parietal bruising(2) Zygomatic bruising(3) Battle signs bruising-----------------------------------------------------------------------------The patient you are treating has white,waxy skin on both hands.The patient hands feel as if they are frozen.They are swollen and you notice that blisters are forming. Which of the following would you NOT want to do in caring for this patient?
(1)Remove any jewelry(2)Rub the hands(3)leave the blisters intact-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers
(3) Battle signs bruising
(2)Rub the handsEMT-B EMT-I Test EMT-P NREMT
Thank you I learned about battle signs but the class has black and white hand outs so its cool to see what it looks like elsewhere thanks hey anyone know where I can buy the EMS Field Guide Basic in Brooklyn ny I have an exam on.Monday and I won't get it by then my email is Vinnybrits@gmail.com please if you know shoot me an email thanks lookin forward to the job but after reading some posts I don't think I'm looking forward to th pay will see what happens
Does anyone know of a good place for me to get some starter stuff I'm finishing the course in a few weeks I want to buy an Emt-b field guide and some other stuff but I want to go to a store Im not crazy about shopping online if you now of a good spot in Brooklyn or staten island please let me know.
And does anyone have any tips takin the exam on the 15 of march.
Assessments maybe you have an easier way of memorizing the order
Cardiac emergencys
Respitory emergencys
Or whatever you guys think that they will stress on the exam I feel like I'm takin my regents
exams in school in hs
were any off you really nervous because I'm buggin out
Thanks for your help
Oh good, my answers where the same as yours.
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