Cold Emergencies
A. Remove the patient from the cold environment.
B. Protect the injured areas from pressure, trauma, and friction.
C. Perform initial assessment.
D. Administer high concentration oxygen.
E. Remove the clothing from the injured areas.
1. If patient has an early or superficial local cold injury:
a. Remove jewelry.
b. Splint and cover the extremity.
c. Do not rub, massage, or expose to the cold.
2. If patient has a late or deep local cold injury:
a. Remove jewelry.
b. Cover the exposed area with dry dressings.
c. Do not break blisters, rub or massage area, apply heat, rewarm, or allow the patient to walk on the affected extremity.
F. Transport, keeping the patient warm.
G. When an extremely long or delayed transport is inevitable (transport time in excess of 30 minutes) then active rapid rewarming should be done.
1. Immerse the affected part in warm water bath (not to exceed 105° F)

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